Company Purpose

FTR, which takes innovative services as its own responsibility

Our mission is to continuously create value for customers and partners by providing high-quality products and meticulous and thoughtful services

Our vision: With the aim of product innovation and meticulous service, we aim to become a leader in the industry, win with customers, suppliers, and employees, and continuously create value for shareholders

3. Company culture: Be simple people and do simple things

Chapter 1 Employee Recruitment Management System

1、 Purpose

In order to meet the continuous, stable, and rapid development needs of the company for talents, standardize the employee recruitment process, improve the talent selection mechanism, and ensure that all departments and positions of the company can timely and effectively supplement the required talents, this system is specially formulated.

2、 Applicable scope

This system is applicable to the recruitment management of all companies of FTR.

3、 Recruitment principles

3.1 According to the principles of 'open recruitment', 'equal competition', 'matching of personnel and positions', 'internal before external', and 'no overstaffing', recruitment work is carried out based on work analysis results, combined with the company's strategic development needs and current human resources situation, and the principle of using personnel mechanisms is more scientific and reasonable;

3.2 Principle of job requirements: It is a basic requirement for recruitment plans. Each company and department should fill out the 'Personnel Supplement Application Form' to clarify the job requirements and target requirements, so that daily recruitment work can be carried out normally, and provide a prerequisite for the selection of recruitment channels;

3.3 Principle of Responsibility Decomposition: In the process of reviewing job applicants, the Human Resources Department and the employing department should clearly divide their responsibilities based on their respective strengths in the content of the review, in order to make the review results as authentic as possible.

4、 Recruitment responsibilities and authorities

4.1 Company Administration and Human Resources Department: The supervisory department for recruitment work in the company, with the following recruitment responsibilities and authorities:

4.1.1 Develop and improve the company's recruitment management system, and standardize the recruitment process.

4.1.2 Determine the company's recruitment plan and develop a matching recruitment strategy.

4.1.3 Responsible for the organization, implementation, standardization, and control of recruitment work for various positions in the company.

4.1.4 According to the company's salary policy, negotiate with the company's responsible person to determine the salary and benefits of the proposed positions, and submit them to the general manager for approval before implementation

4.1.5 Track and evaluate the normal work performance of new employees, and promptly propose handling suggestions such as probationary period probation, termination, etc. (refer to FTR Employee Assessment Management System for details).

4.1.6 Record and timely update personnel information data for newly recruited personnel.

4.2 Employing department: should actively participate in the recruitment of personnel in this department, and the recruitment responsibilities are as follows:

4.2.1 Based on job analysis results, continuously improve the job description of this department, clarify job responsibilities and qualifications, and provide a basic basis for employee recruitment.

4.2.2 Provide a personnel demand plan to the HR department based on the department's human resource needs, which should include clear job descriptions, qualifications, and other special requirements.

4.2.3 Based on the recruitment needs of the department, search for qualified candidates both internally and externally, and recommend them to the administrative personnel department.

4.2.4 Evaluate the candidate's professional and technical level. If there is any written test content related to the assessment of business and technical abilities, it is necessary to be responsible for the proposition and grading of relevant written test questions.

4.2.5 Cooperate with the Human Resources Department to complete the evaluation of employees during the probationary period and provide assessment opinions on employee regularization applications. (Please refer to the FTR Employee Assessment Management System for details).

5、 Recruitment process for companies in Shenzhen and Taiwan

General principle: Non direct production personnel allocation should be optimized, responsibilities should be clear, and approval from the general manager is required before recruitment.

Non direct production personnel:

1.1 Recommendation of suitable personnel: Firstly, provide resumes for initial review by the employing department and human resources department. After passing the initial review, the employing department and local authorities will

The person in charge directly intervenes in the negotiation to determine whether the actual level of the personnel meets the requirements. The personnel who meet the requirements will ultimately receive compensation and start date from the human resources department and be approved by the general manager. After that, a Notice of Appointment and Registration will be sent to arrange for the continuation of employment.

1.2 No suitable personnel recommendation: The relevant department heads of each company shall fill out the 'Personnel Supplement Application Form' (with clear recruitment needs and qualifications)

After being approved by the local person in charge, the requirements are submitted to the Human Resources Department. The Human Resources Department selects channels and publishes recruitment information based on personnel recruitment needs. Personnel selects suitable personnel for interviews, and local and department heads intervene in the interviews to determine whether the actual level of the personnel meets the requirements. Personnel who meet the requirements will ultimately receive compensation and start date from the Human Resources Department and be approved by the General Manager. After that, a Notice of Appointment and Check in will be sent to arrange for continuation of employment.

6、 Huai'an Company Recruitment Process

6.1 Non direct production personnel:

The relevant department heads of each company fill out the 'Personnel Supplement Application Form' (which needs to clarify the recruitment needs and qualification conditions), and submit it to the Human Resources Department after being approved by the factory director. (The department head level personnel supplement form is filled out by the company head). The Human Resources Department selects channels and publishes recruitment information based on the personnel supplement needs. Personnel select suitable personnel and arrange for relevant department heads to participate in the interview. Personnel above the supervisor level need to be interviewed by the factory director. Salary, benefits, etc. are negotiated with the assistance of administrative personnel. After the negotiation results are approved by the General Manager, the Human Resources Department sends the 'Appointment and Registration Notice' to the applicants and arranges relevant onboarding matters.

6.2 Direct production personnel:

The relevant department heads shall fill out the 'Personnel Supplement Application Form' (with clear recruitment requirements and qualification conditions). Ordinary employees within the establishment shall be submitted to the Human Resources Department after approval by the factory director. Personnel requirements outside the establishment and above the supervisor level shall be submitted to the Human Resources Department after approval by the factory director and general manager. The Human Resources Department shall select channels and publish recruitment information based on personnel supplement requirements. Personnel selection shall arrange preliminary interviews for suitable personnel, and qualified personnel shall arrange interviews with department heads. Personnel at or above the supervisor level shall undergo interviews or re interviews with the factory director. The salary, benefits, and start date of personnel at or above the supervisor level shall be negotiated with the factory director with the assistance of the Human Resources Department. The salary and benefits of personnel below the supervisor level shall be executed according to the company's salary system standards. Finally, personnel shall follow the company's salary system standards. The interview results on the applicant registration form are communicated by 

HR to the applicant and relevant onboarding arrangements are arranged.

7、 Personnel recruitment and selection process

7.1 Collection of application materials

According to the requirements of the recruitment position, the human resources department conducts preliminary selection, reviews the personal resumes and job application forms of job seekers, and establishes a talent reserve database of the company based on the collected information of job seekers.

7.2 Resume selection

The Human Resources Department conducts a thorough evaluation and analysis of each candidate's strengths and weaknesses based on the information provided, makes preliminary selection intentions, and arranges suitable candidates for initial interviews. The evaluation and analysis mainly includes the following aspects:

7.2.1 Whether the educational background, professional skills, work experience, language, etc. are consistent with the recruitment requirements;

7.2.2 Whether the age and health status are suitable for the job requirements.

7.3 Interview

7.3.1 The interview time and location shall be coordinated and arranged by the Human Resources Department. Applicants shall conduct the interview according to the agreed time and location. Before the interview, they must fill out the 'Application Registration Form' in detail. The employee application materials must be filled in truthfully and in detail. In case of any change in address, telephone number, marital status, childbearing, ID number number, etc., the employee must immediately register the change with the Administration and Personnel Department. The loss caused by the unchanged but changed situation shall be borne by the employee himself.

7.3.2 For recruitment positions of ordinary employees, the interviewer for the initial interview shall be the relevant person in charge of recruitment in the Human Resources Department, and the recruitment position shall be at or above the supervisor level. The interviewer for the initial interview shall be the Manager of the Human Resources Department and the leader in charge of the employing department.

7.3.3 The Human Resources Department is responsible for screening and conducting preliminary interviews for job applicants; Qualified individuals shall arrange for department heads to conduct a re examination; For ordinary personnel who pass the interview, the department head shall fill in the interview results on the applicant registration form, and the HR department shall inform them of the interview results and arrange for relevant onboarding matters. For personnel at or above the supervisory level who pass the interview, they shall undergo at least one interview with the responsible person or factory director from Shenzhen and Taiwan. After passing the interview at each stage, the interview results shall be filled in on the applicant registration form, and the HR department shall arrange for onboarding procedures.

7.4 Work after the interview

For applicants who pass the interview but fail to report, their information should be stored in the reserve talent file for future reference. After communication between the HR department and the employing department, the registration time for qualified personnel in the re examination will be determined.