Jiangsu FTR 2023 Winter Tourism Activities
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Warm Winter, Happy Travel

——Jiangsu FTR 2023 Winter Tourism Activities

In order to thank everyone for their hard work and enhance employee cohesion, and to create a harmonious and dynamic corporate culture, Jiangsu FTR Communication Co., Ltd. organized an employee trip on November 19, 2023.

The sun is bright and I often come out for a walk. At 7:00 am on November 19, 2023, two buses carrying more than 80 employees of Jiangsu FTR Communication Co., Ltd. set off towards Lianyungang. The tourist attractions for this trip are the Lianyungang Aquarium and Huaguo Mountain.

After a two-hour journey, I arrived at the first attraction - Lianyungang Aquarium at 10:30. Everyone spent an hour watching over 1500 types of marine creatures, including sharks and dolphins, and finally watched performances of sea lions and dolphins.

After the aquarium comes out, everyone goes to Wuyue Square in the city to have a seafood buffet. Look at how delicious the kids are eating.



After having a full meal, we continued our journey and at 13:00, we arrived at Huaguo Mountain, a national 5A scenic spot. This is also the highest mountain in Jiangsu, with a highest altitude of 624.4 meters. In the form of a big group photo, we officially kicked off the tour of Huaguo Mountain. Everyone took a sightseeing bus and entered Huaguo Mountain, like entering the Peach Blossom Spring in a bustling city, breathing fresh air. The air felt the birds singing and the fragrance of flowers, and everyone walked and laughed while playing.

Finally, this tourism activity ended happily with everyone's laughter.

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