Today is the third "Huai'an Talent Day"! The 24th Party and Government Pro Chamber of Commerce and "
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On the occasion of the third 'Huai'an Talent Day', on the afternoon of September 20th, the Municipal Party Committee and Government held the 24th Party and Government Pro Chamber of Commerce and 'Shang Xian Hui' Talent Salon, focusing on the theme of 'deepening the integration of industry and talent to create a talent paradise', planning and promoting the transformation of Huai'an's industry, technological innovation, and the integration of industry and talent development, promoting government enterprise interaction, researching and solving practical problems, and further optimizing the service of enterprises and talents A favorable environment for service innovation. Chen Zhichang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended and delivered a speech. Sun Hu, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, presided over the event. City leaders Xu Lihua, Wang Xianghong, Xiao Tianfeng, and Zhang Huiyang participated in the event.


Wang Hongyang, Chairman and General Manager of Jiangsu FTR Communication Co., Ltd., Gao Lizhi, Leader of the Science and Technology Town Leader Group in Qingjiangpu District and Vice Dean of the Subei Research Institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhang Dabing, Chairman of Jiangsu Hanbang Technology Co., Ltd., Li Meisheng, Vice President of Science and Technology of Jiangsu Kerun Film Materials Co., Ltd., and Vice Dean of the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Huaiyin Normal University, from the three teams of Science and Technology Town Leader Group, Industry Professor, and Vice President of Science and Technology, as well as universities stationed in Huai, China Twelve high-level talent representatives from Huai Enterprises have delivered speeches, providing opinions and suggestions on talent cultivation, talent ecosystem building, talent introduction policies, talent apartment construction, and enterprise intelligent transformation and digital transformation.


Chen Zhichang listened attentively to everyone's speeches. On behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and Government, he extended sincere greetings and good wishes to the high-level talent representatives and the vast number of talents in the city attending the meeting. He expressed sincere gratitude to everyone for their contributions to Huai'an and their achievements. He also inquired in detail about the development situation and difficulties of relevant enterprises, and urged all relevant departments and counties in the city to carefully review their opinions and suggestions, accelerate follow-up and coordination, and ensure effective implementation to help enterprises grow and strengthen, To safeguard the development of enterprises.

Chen Zhichang pointed out that

Talent resources are the primary resource leading high-quality leapfrog development. The whole city should deeply study and implement the spirit of the Central Talent Work Conference and the Provincial and Municipal Talent Work Conference, firmly establish the concept that 'talent is the future', place talent work in a more prominent position, comprehensively cultivate and introduce talents, accelerate the construction of a talent development paradise and a highland for industry talent integration, and strive to create a new situation of high-quality leapfrog development with new advantages in talent work.

Chen Zhichang emphasized that

The integration of industry and talent is the main focus of talent work in Huai'an in the new era. We need to deepen the integration of industry and talent development, layout innovation and talent chains around the industrial chain, gather talents through industry, and promote the spiral rise of industrial development and talent aggregation, achieving high-level sustainable development.

The government should respond to the development strategy, strengthen cooperation with talent, technology, industry and other aspects in the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing Tianjin Hebei, and Pearl River Delta regions, effectively undertake the spillover of various talents, gather more resources through leverage, focus on serving the development of the '333' leading industry, systematically layout the introduction, cultivation, and reserve of talents in key areas, and enhance the momentum and potential of industrial development.

Enterprises should be the main force, willing to invest in talent, attract high talents with high salaries, consider the use, cultivation, and motivation of talents, and provide a broad stage for talents to make full use of their talents.

Colleges and universities should deeply tap into resources, and universities stationed in Huaihe should further deepen the supply side reform of talent cultivation, better integrate enterprise needs into the talent cultivation process, and more efficiently promote the landing and incubation of scientific research achievements. We need to synchronously deploy and coordinate the construction of the three teams of Science and Technology Town Mayor, Industry Professor, and Science and Technology Vice President, and play a greater role in promoting the deep integration of industry and talent.

Chen Zhichang emphasized that

The Party's management of talents is the fundamental guarantee for creating a favorable environment for loving and utilizing talents. We need to further strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, optimize work mechanisms, and improve the talent ecosystem, achieving ideological integration, mechanism integration, and work integration. We need to coordinate and solve practical problems that constrain the integration of industry and talent development, as well as strong feedback from talents and enterprises. In innovation and practical work, we should shoulder the political responsibility of the Party in managing talents.

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